Newsletter from the Secretary
04 Jul 2021Charteris Bay Golf Club Newsletter June 2021
Hello everyone from the Secretary’s Desk
How green is green?? The fairways have recovered so well after Summer and after the heavy bouts of rain the course is amazingly soft and dry and the greens fast!!!
The winter chill seems to have affected our (some) handicaps as they “go out” with less run/fly of the balls in the cooler air. All things considered we continue to have great member numbers turning out as are Green Fee players.
Committee Snippets –
Our June meeting was held on Sat 26th, some points of interest are:
The workshop roof is on, and the frame is in place with windows soon to be installed. A sincere thanks goes out to Wally Hemopo and Rob Nicholl for the endless hours spent in getting the work done.
Bruce Farmer with some help will tidy up around the workshop removing surplus equipment via sale or dumping. The plan is to be able to drive around the back where an entry to drive through workshop will be provided.
A new snake mower has been purchased to replace the Laztec mower. Further replacement planning with time frames will be forecasted for remaining essential equipment. Funding options including bank loan or debentures are being explored.
Boyle Cup - The ladies team have secured the cup for the 15th time in a row last bid being Rangiora 5:0. There are 3 more challenges this year to complete.
Tree felling project of old man pines on fairway 1/10 is going well with the capable leadership of Bruce Farmer.
The club and course continue to attract bookings from outside and one of interest is Disc Golf using 6 of the 9 holes on 22 August for their game. They say the terrain is perfect for the game. Greens and Tees are not in use for this type of game. The course will be closed on the day however Holes 7,8& 9 will be open for members use.
The builder working across the road has said he will reinstate the grass and main driveway damaged once his job is completed.
Some heavy-duty type foot prints have been spotted on some greens. All players need to ensure they are wearing the correct footwear.
Twilight -
Only 90 odd days until we Tee off for Twilight
Volunteers –
Albeit tree felling is a specialised controlled job – volunteers have come to the party again to saw up smaller branches and help remove the side product of small offcuts and pinecones. Well done Team.
We are still keen to have volunteers chose a section of the course they can call their own for regular gardening, weed eating or hand mowing. See Jake for ‘your patch’.
Wonderful work lead by Brian Boyes to re-gravel walkways and cart tracks before the wet set in. Thank you and look forward to the main carpark next on his list.
Golf Club Programme
Weather has been our friend, so games are
underway as per the programme. Of note is the Millar Cup Memorial which is now in the Semi Final stage. A great competition where mixed couples compete. We would encourage more entries next year to make it a significant fun social game on the calendar.
Other games: The Bradley Shilling, John Sims Cup and Men’s Club Prize Qualifying rounds are all played or underway. Ladies Club Champs Finals day was in May.
We welcome two new Juniors and say goodbye to one as has left the district. 9 and 18 hole membership applications continue to dribble in. Most subs are paid however there will be a round up of a small number of outstanding unpaid subs.
Thank you to all members who have heeded the request to park in the car park. Esp. those who have carts or 2/4 wheel ride on mobility.
Take care out there and enjoy your golf
Regards Robin